
Captain's Log: Thus Far (2010.11.21 - Now)Aboard THE OUROBOROS,

(16:06 2010.11.21)
I have found myself in an ORE "Retriever" deep within Gallente space. From my logs I have been mining with men that can no longer be found, from a dead corp. I've loaded up all of Xavier Kaine's belongings into his ship and am making haste for the Jita system. Hopfully I can find more than a job in Jita. On second thought, my capsuleer brain has been heavily modifed for mining. Maybe I can dig up some old memories.

(16:54 2010.11.21)

Mining proved to be relatively familiar task. Even without implants I can sense an altered skill set. Although it is minor.

(03:51 2010.12.28)
I've started moving all assests to a hangar in the Akianavas system in Lonetrek. I've run into a manufacturing corp that is preparing for war. I'm curious as to what this osprey can do.

(19:06 2010.12.28)


I've enlisted myself in a mining op in the Isanamo system. lack of a hauler is currently impairing efficiency. I seem to be keeping pace with the other miners. I feel as if they are lacking proper scanning tools.

(17:17 2011.03.04)
I've begun flying missions for the Sukuuvestaa Corp. With the help of a fellow employee, from Aerospace Corp. Mining Division, I've purchased a combat ready Drake battlecruiser. Currently I'm testing its capabilities as a missile boat, but the experiments are lacking large enough fleets to test the passive shield system. The Ouroboros is moored in the Kino system, along with five ancorched secure containers. They've been set up to tightly orbit a large mass of ice for my mining operations. I've cut my waste down to about 15 units an hour.